Flag of Lithuania
Lithuania is a country which is located in Europe.
On this page you'll find the official flag emoji for Lithuania which you can copy with just a click.
Just click the button 'copy' and you are ready to paste this emoji flag on for example Instagram, Facebook or in your browser.
This emoji works fine on smartphones like Andriod and iPhone.
The official two letter shortcode for Lithuania is LT wich is the same code as the emoji.
You can download the flag of Lithuania on World Flags.
If the flag don't render in the correct way, you will se the letters LT instead of the emoji.
That is because your browser doesn't support emoji flags at the moment. You can read more about this in our FAQ.
To find other countries and flag emojis you can find these at the start page.
Find out and learn more about Lithuania on Wikipedia or perhaps make a search on Google!